Our final ministry day consisted of a decent bit of travel up to Mikumi National Park. We traveled a few hours west into the inland of Tanzania to be able to play a 45 minute scrimmage against the Kumi National Park Game Wardens. After hearing about our recently advertised soccer matches in Morogoro, the game wardens reached out to brother Jerry to attempt to setup a scrimmage. Scrimmage we did!

Being out in the wild for this game, we were unexpectedly greeted by a baboon who thought she had more rights to that field than we did. Additionally, do not leave your van door open as they apparently like to raid the vans for loose food. Who would have known.

Although we specifically did not have a sermon here, the connections with the game wardens are now very much alive for Brother Jerry and his staff at Faith Baptist Church. Soccer is a beautiful connection over here.

The game wardens were kind enough to show us some parts of the park where we will able to see a lot of wild life. Giraffes, Elephants, and of course the lovely baboons.

After spending the night in the area, we then returned to Morogoro where we said our final goodbyes to the town, and local villagers.

We then took the long 5-6 hour journey back to Dar es Salaam. We had a final wrap up meeting here with brother Jerry and the team. We individually went around the room to share what God showed us throughout the week and what we are wanting to change from our life going forward. A common theme for us was to be thankful for the little things, to give more, and to keep up with our missionaries digitally and daily. In the States, we have so much compared to the people here. One thing that was evident though was the attitude towards the given circumstances. Tanzanian people are satisfied and happy with so little. They are some of the kindest people I have ever met. The children are always so respectful when someone is speaking (church, school, etc). Compared to us in the States, sometimes we will lose our whole testimony if our Starbucks order is slightly tainted. It’s a challenge to me and the team. Complaining about a situation doesn’t change the situation; it just changes your perspective.

God has given us so much to be thankful for. Our team is so motivated to make a change in our lives back in the States. As we approach our upcoming season, we all have areas we want to see change in our lives individually and as a team.

8,000 people heard the gospel these past 10 days from our soccer outreaches with 1,358 people accepting Christ.

May God receive all of the glory.

Please pray for us as we leave Tanzania and head back to the States.

This will be the last of the updates.

I want to thank you all for your continual love and support.

YOM Staff/Eagles Soccer