On Sunday morning, we piled in our vans to Faith Baptist Church. The church had a soccer emphasis this Sunday. Brother Jerry Wyatt had invited several soccer teams/groups from the surrounding area to the services that morning. We had over 1,000 people attend the services that Sunday morning.
Although some of the time we couldn’t understand the sermon because of the language barrier, we were able to help in other ways. All of us picked up a few greeting words in Swahili and helped greet the many groups coming in. With the amount of people we had come in during the middle of the sermon, we had to improvise on a lot of different seating arrangements.

Many of our guys were able to lead different age group Sunday schools. Using an interpreter, Matias Lee was able to teach a lesson on the prodigal son to the young boys and girls.

Reid Rhodes also had the opportunity to preach to a different group of boys and girls. At the end of the sermon, Reid invited a few other team members to help him sing kids songs. Songs such as “Father Abraham”, “Our God is so Big”, and “This little light of mine”.

Bryce Hammond, was able to bring a message from Mark 1 discussing the calling of the disciples. He challenged the teens to not only put down your net, but to also follow Christ. To straightway follow Christ with a total surrender to Him.

From all of these Sunday Worship activities, another 100+ trusted Christ as their Savior. Praise God! For us as a team, we are amazed to see the influence the game of soccer can have to change a life forever.
We were also able to meet “John Stephen Akhwari” the Tanzanian Olympic runner legend. I referenced him in the opening post, but this was an example Brother Wyatt gave to us on the opening day. John Stephen Akhwari pinned the phrase, “My country did not send me 5,000 miles to start the race; they sent me 5,000 miles to finish the race.” An amazing example of finishing what is laid out in front you. Furthermore, an amazing challenge for us Christians to continue the race even when we are injured, fatigued or stressed.

As we finished the morning services, the church provided us lunch. If you do not like spices, I do not recommend trying their salsa to put on your beans and rice. Some of our guys learned that one the hard way. After dinner, we listened to one last sermon, and then we returned to the hotel for our first down time of this trip.
Please continue to pray for our safety and influence! A couple of our guys have a few minor sicknesses. Please keep them in your prayers as we continue to let God move us this week!
Thank you for your continual prayers!
YOM Staff/Eagles Soccer