On behalf of the PCC Eagles soccer team, we want to start by thanking every one of you for your prayers, financial contributions, and constant encouragements.
God’s been good!
This trip has been in the works for the past couple years, and we couldn’t have done it without the support of a few people.
Special thanks to Joseph Liwosz, Mark Goetsch, Dr. John and Michelle Cirone, YOM staff, Dr. Bucy, and Mr. Taylor. Additionally, many others played a huge part in organizing and planning this trip, in which, we thank them.
Our trip runs from July 23rd – August 3rd, and it is our intention to send daily (or every other day) updates of our trip. These updates will consist of ways we are serving in Tanzania, interactions we may have encountered, daily activities and more.

Perhaps, there is a family member or a friend you know of who wants to receive these updates as well. They can easily sign up for these email updates by following this link: https://tanzania.yomteams.com/updates/
As we approach this mission trip, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
How can you pray for us?
- Pray for our Safety. Injuries are a common occurrence in the game of soccer, please pray for our guys to stay injury free as we participate in these soccer matches and as we approach the start of our fall season. Additionally, pray that we evade any infection or sickness.
- Pray for the Gospel to be Spread. Pray that we are able to reach many souls for Christ. Pray for our attitudes and mindset to continually be Christ-minded. Pray for the connections we will make, the souls we will touch. Pray that these connections will allow us to share the gospel with those who have never heard or have never accepted. Finally, pray for the hearts of the Tanzanians to be open to hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
- Pray for Unification of our Team. This trip just so happens to be coming directly before our soccer season. Please pray for us to gain chemistry with each other. Pray for us to be able to carry this influence and passion for Christ back with us to the States.
Thank you for your continual support!
YOM Team Tanzania/Eagles Soccer